Your partner for recycling plants and machines. – Your success with our experience!

2. Projecting, construction, manifacture, installation, dismantling, major repair of…

  • sorting facilities for paper, paperboard, household waste, reuseable material in fabric and industry, bulk rubbish
  • recycling facilities for refrigerators, electronic waste, television tubes, plastics, autocars
  • composting facilities, facilities of preparation for composting
  • facilities for the automatic identification and sorting of plastics
  • mechanical-biological recycling facilities of residual waste
  • milling facilities (shredder, rotor shears, hammer mills, cutting mills, crusher)
  • multi cell presses
  • materials handling technology for shavings, bulk material and others
  • recycling facilities for old wood
  • Kanalballenpressen
  • precipators for ferrous- und non-ferrous metals of all sorts

Materials Handling Facility